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Somogyi, Imre

Imre Sandor Somogyi (1943-2015) was born in Amsterdam. When he was one year old his parents (Hungarian father-publisher and Dutch mother- nurse) moved with Imre to Antwerp in Belgium. There the Somogyi’s lived until he was 13. From that time on he lived in the Netherlands where he took his school education.

After his military service he started to work for Dutch radio as a journalist/presenter at the news desk and later as producer/ director Radio and TV. Until his (pre-) retirement in 1996 he was responsible for special projects and innovation at the NCRV, Dutch Radio and Television.

After his broadcasting career Imre was became the initiator and owner of the first interactive European radio- en Ttelevision station op Internet. Starting in 2001, Imre Somogyi performed media trainings and trainings in Reading Toes.

Besides his regular work, Imre Somogyi studied and practiced, homeopathy, herbal, and natural healing. He was also a teacher in polarity therapy. Together with his wife Margriet, who was a yoga teacher, Imre developed READING TOES. This is a method to analyse personality and behaviour through interpreting shapes and positions of toes. In 1991 he wrote the book Reading Toes, Your Feet as Reflections of Your Personality. He was also the president of the FuDaRe Foundation (Foundation for Fundamental Dactylogical Reading).

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