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Griffin, Judy

Judy Griffin, Ph.D. is an internationally renowned aroma therapist, author, lecturer, and herbalist. Dr. Griffin is also the creator and producer of Petite Fleur Essences.

Challenged with Crohn's Disease and unable to be cured with Western medicine, she turned to nature for healing. For 30 years she has shared her knowledge and wisdom. She organically grows and produces over 200 products which reduce pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and stress; these are used in clinics and hospitals in Dallas, including the Baylor Healing Environmental Program. She began with stem cell and bone marrow patients, and expanded into other programs for complementary care. She teaches nutrition, herbs and aromatherapy for the “NEAT” breast cancer program at Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth. She has lectured at the International Flower Essence Conference at Findhorn, Scotland and the Natural Menopause Symposium in England with Dr. John Lee, pioneer of progesterone therapy, as well as to many special interest groups ranging from cancer survivors to gardeners.

Dr. Griffin has been on numerous local and national radio and television shows. In universities, she has developed several courses on aromatic, herbal health, and organic gardening. She also developed an herbal curriculum for the University of Texas in Arlington and Texas Christian University. She was one of the five finalists for the 2002 Fort Worth Mayor's Exporters Award. She is the author of Mother Nature's Herbal, a definitive book on herbal medicine based on her extensive research on indigenous cultures.

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