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Integral (spirituality)
Historical integral thinkers:
  • Aurobindo Ghose
  • Jean Gebser
  • Haridas Chaudhuri
  • Ramchandra Gandhi
  • Indra Sen
Contemporary integral thinkers:
  • Don Beck
  • Allan Combs
  • Sean Esbjörn-Hargens
  • Ashok Gangadean
  • Jennifer Gidley
  • Franklin Jones
  • Ervin László
  • George Leonard
  • Steve McIntosh
  • Donella Meadows
  • Michael Murphy
  • Joe Perez
  • Michel Saloff Coste
  • Charlene Spretnak
  • Brian Swimme
  • William Irwin Thompson
  • Ken Wilber
  • Yasuhiko Kimura
  • Michael E. Zimmerman
Integral themes:
  • Evolution, Involution
  • Integral art, Integral ecology
  • Integral education
  • Integral psychology
  • Integral Theory
  • Integral yoga
  • Transdisciplinarity
Integral organizations:
  • Cal. Inst. of Integral Studies
  • Integral Institute
  • Antioch University Midwest
  • John F. Kennedy University
  • Institute of Transpersonal Psych.
  • Fielding Graduate University

Yasuhiko Genku Kimura (born 1954) is a mystic, author, and lecturer. He is an integral philosopher, focusing on integrating spiritual philosophy and science. The books he has authored include The Book of Balance (a translation of Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching), Think Kosmically Act Globally, The Twilight Manifesto, Virtues of Love, and The Twilight Club and the Creation of a Moral Community. Kimura was born in Japan and moved to the United States in 1983. He is the founder of Vision-In-Action, a public benefit corporation whose mission is "to provoke thinking which inspires action that engenders integrity and wholeness." Kimura is a former Executive Director of the Twilight Club.[citation needed]

He says that his primary focus is trying to bring about an evolution in human consciousness such that everyone becomes an idea producer who integrates their ideas with each other to generate new ideas, rather than merely being idea consumers that merely perceive and conceive information being produced by a few "external authorities." He calls this a move from an "concentric ideosphere" to an "omnicentric ideosphere." In this way the ideosphere transforms from an "authority-follow structure" to "everyone being self-authority."

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