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Danckaerts, Jasper

Jasper Danckaerts is the author of a Journal Of A Voyage To New York In 1679-80. Danckaerts was born at Flushing in Zeeland May 7, 1639, the son of Pieter Danckaerts and Janneke Schilders. He became a cooper in the service of the East India Company at Middelburg.

The original Dutch manuscript was acquired in 1864 by Henry C. Murphy, then corresponding secretary of the Long Island Historical Society, in an old book-store in Amsterdam. Murphy published an English translation in 1867. A revised edition appeared as Original Narratives of Early American History, edited by J. B. Bartlett of the Maryland Historical Society and J. F. Jameson, director of the Department of Historical Research in the Carnegie Institutions of Washington in 1913.

The journal describes the travels of two envoys of the Labadist sect, Jasper Danckaerts and Peter Sluyter, who came to North America in order to find a location for the establishment of a community.

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