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Flavel, Rev. John

John Flavel.

John Flavel (1627–1691) was an English Presbyterian clergyman.


[edit] Life

Flavel was born at Bromsgrove, Worcestershire and studied at Oxford. A Presbyterian, held livings at Diptford (in Devon) and Dartmouth. He was ejected from the latter as a result of the Great Ejection of 1662; however, he continued to preach there secretly. After the Declaration of Indulgence 1687, became a minister of a Nonconformist Church there.

He was a prolific and popular author. Among his works are The Mystery of Providence (1678), Husbandry Spiritualised (1669) and Navigation Spiritualised (1671), The Seamon's Companion (1676), titles which suggest some of his characteristics as a writer.

He died at Exeter, Devonshire, on 26 June 1691. Flavel is commemorated in the name of Flavel Road on Bromsgrove's Charford Estate.

[edit] Quotes

John Fable said, the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, the most profitable way of dying is all taught us in the Holy Scriptures.

  • "It is the duty of the saints, especially in times of straights, to reflect upon the performances of Providence for them in all the states and through all the stages of their lives".[1]
  • "When God gives you comforts, it is your great evil not to observe His hand in them." [2]
  • "They foresaw that the concession of a Providence would impose an eternal yoke upon their necks, by making them accountable for all they did to a higher tribunal, so that they must necessarily 'pass the time of their sojourning here in fear', while all their thoughts, words and ways were strictly noted and recorded, for the purpose of an account by an all-seeing and righteous God. They therefore laboured to persuade themselves that what they had no mind for did not exist." [3]
  • Guilt is to danger, what fire is to gunpowder; a man need not fear to walk among many barrels of powder, if he have no fire about him.
  • "Here you may suppose the Father to say when driving His bargain with Christ for you:

The Father speaks. "My Son, here is a company of poor, miserable souls that have utterly undone themselves and now lay open to my justice. Justice demands satisfaction for them, or will satisfy itself in the eternal ruin of them."

The Son responds. "Oh my Father. Such is my love to and pity for them, that rather then they shall perish eternally I will be responsible for them as their guarantee. Bring in all thy bills, that I may see what they owe thee. Bring them all in, that there be no after-reckonings with them. At my hands shall thou require it. I would rather choose to suffer the wrath that is theirs then they should suffer it. Upon me, my Father, upon me be all their debt."

The Father responds. "But my Son, if thou undertake for them, thou must reckon to pay the last mite. Expect no abatement. Son, if I spare them... I will not spare you."

The Son responds. "Content Father. Let it be so. Charge it all upon me. I am able to discharge it. And though it prove a kind of undoing to me, though it impoverish all my riches, empty all my treasures... I am content to take it.""

[edit] Works

  • Works of John Flavel (6 vol set), Banner of Truth Trust, ISBN 0-85151-060-4.
  • The Fountain of Life Opened Up Diggory Press, ISBN 978-1846857980
  • Husbandry Spiritualised (1669)
  • Keeping The Heart Diggory Press ISBN 978-1846857072
  • The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption - accessed 26 July 2008
  • Navigation Spiritualised (1671)
  • The Mystery of Providence (1678)
  • A Saint Indeed
  • The Seamon's Companion (1676)

[edit] Notes

  1. The Mystery of Providence
  2. The Mystery of Providence
  3. The Mystery of Providence

[edit] External links

This article incorporates public domain text from : Cousin, John William (1910). A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature. London, J. M. Dent & Sons; New York, E. P. Dutton.

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