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Kent, Charles Foster

Charles Foster Kent, Ph.D. (1867-1925) was an American Old Testament scholar, born at Palmyra, New York, and educated at Yale (A.B., 1889; Ph.D., 1891). He studied at the University of Berlin (1891-92).

He became an instructor at the University of Chicago 1893-95 and professor at Brown and at Yale after 1901. At Yale he was the Woolsey Professor of Biblical Literature.

His publications include:

  • Outlines of Hebrew History (1895)
  • A History of the Hebrew People (two volumes, 1896-97; second edition, 1912)
  • A History of the Jewish People during the Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Periods (1899)
  • The Messages of Israel's Lawgivers (1902, 1911)
  • Israel's historical and Biographical Narratives (1905)
  • Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament (1906, 1912)
  • Israel's Laws and Traditional Precedents (1907)
  • The Heroes and Crises of Early Hebrew History (1908, 1912)
  • The Kings and Prophets of Israel and Judah (1909, 1912)
  • The Makers and Teachers of Judaism (1911)
  • Biblical Geography and History (1911)
  • Life and Teachings of Jesus According to the Earliest Records (1913)
  • The Songs, Hymns, and Prayers of the Old Testament (1914)

[edit] National Council on Religion in Higher Education

In 1922--shortly before his death--he helped found the National Council of Schools of Religion, an organization that would two years later become the National Council on Religion in Higher Education, which through conference sponsorship and its Kent Fellows scholarship program played a significant role in church-university activities. In the early 1960s it merged with the Danforth fellows program and became the Society for Religion in Higher Education. In 1975 it was renamed the Society for Values in Higher Education.

[edit] References

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